Psychic Vision 4 Dram


11 in stock


Are you ready to unlock your inner psychic potential? Look no further, because we have just the thing for you – our 4 dram psychic vision anointing oil. Infused with the power of envision crystals, this oil is a must-have for anyone seeking to enhance their psychic abilities.

Crafted with care and precision, our psychic vision anointing oil is specially designed to stimulate psychic visions and dreams. With just a few drops of this powerful oil, you’ll find yourself more attuned to the spiritual realm, gaining insights and clarity like never before. Your intuition will be heightened, and you’ll be able to tap into the hidden knowledge and wisdom of the universe.

But why stop there? For maximum effect, pair our anointing oil with our psychic vision jar candle. Together, they create a powerful combination, amplifying each other’s energies and creating a space for you to delve deeper into your psychic abilities.

Additional information

Weight 0.16 lbs